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What Are AI NFTs? | Create NFTs with AI | Notum

By Notum

Mar 08, 20236 min read



AI is literally everywhere — it writes texts, answers philosophical questions, passes exams, and makes pictures. What about NFTs? These can be easily created by AI, as well. How does it work? Does it ruin NFT as a concept? The questions find their answers in the following article.    

What Is AI?

AI is an abbreviation of artificial intelligence, an area of computer science that studies the creation of intelligent machines. This machine has been programmed to replicate human intelligence.

AI has many implications in many fields, including technology, healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. Surprisingly, Ai has existed since the 1950s when computer scientists started trying to program computers with human-like intelligence. However, only recently the reputation of AI has spread widely. 

What Are NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have been a hot topic. This new feature allows users to turn their assets into tokens. Every NFT is unique. It has an assigned code and metadata that distinguish it from the other tokens and holds the information about the asset associated with the token. The critical point of NFTs is their uniqueness. Unlike most tokens, they cannot be replaced by another one. The appearance of NFTs signified a vital technology shift and brought us closer to Web 3.0.

NFTs represent a new asset class. They are the most significant innovation of blockchain technology in 2019 and open up a whole new world of opportunities for businesses and individuals. NFTs can be used to create digital art, collectible cards, in-game items, crypto kitties, or even real estate.

NFTs started a new era of digital asset ownership. Even though the market of NFTs is still in its infancy, it has already proven to be an effective way to monetize digital goods. In the future, we can expect more companies to use this technology to create their own tokens and bring them into mass adoption.

What Are AI NFTs?

The world is moving forward, and the existing NFTs cannot respond to the new reality. At first, they mainly represented static assets, such as images. Later we saw the appearance of gifs and videos. However, they still do not allow any evolvement within existing tokens. Even though they give way to the next step of NFT development, they have set some important trends.

On the other hand, AI NFT 2023 can be thought of as NFTs of the second generation. They reflect the modern rhythm of life. AI brings an ability of self-learning to NFTs and makes it possible for them to produce their content. Through contact with a user or a specific environment, this new NFT can accumulate knowledge and analyze data. 

How Can AI NFTs Be Used?

The most discussed area of the implication of AI NFTs is art. Empowered by artificial intelligence, new platforms allow anyone to create art from short descriptions. AI has revolutionized the way we think about art. From creating new works to discovering unique styles, AI will continue to reshape how we interact with art.

Such a controversial form of art raised a significant amount of questions. For example, now the art world has to rethink the concept of creativity or find a new way of protecting copyrights. Nonetheless, so far, the number of AI NFTs generators is increasing.

Top 5 AI NFT Creator Apps

  1. Midjourney
    It is probably one of the most famous platforms for creating art pieces.  This app uses machine learning to create pictures based

    on text. 

    This app uses machine learning to create pictures based on text. Just type whatever you want to see. Let your imagination go wild —include subjects, artistic styles, mood descriptions, etc. The combinations are as endless as the Universe.

  2. DALLE-2
    DALLE-2 makes images from written descriptions. 

    It is a generative language model that creates original images using text prompts.  DALL-E 2 generates images with four times higher resolution than its first edition.  It also boosted its photorealism and caption matching.

  3. Appypie
    This service provides a lot of templates and doesn’t require coding. The instrument allows users to create one NFT and an entire collection. It all started in 2013 when Appy Pie was a game development platform. However, in 2015, developers decided to create No Code software with very specific app templates.
  4. Fotor
    With the help of Fotor, users can create digital paintings and convert them into NFTs. There is no sign-up required. The platform offers various tools like photo editing, collage making, and graphic design suites. It also easily connects with social media channels, helping creators to advertise their work and reach their audience without a fuss.
  5. AutoMinter
    It is considered to be very user-friendly and easy to use, even for those who cannot code. Takes only gas fees. The platform offers tools like photo editing, collage making, and graphic design suites. It also easily connects with social media channels, helping creators to advertise their work and reach their audience without a fuss.

Before artificial intelligence combined its power with NFTs, creating non-fungible tokens was not available to everyone. With the help of AI empowerment, anyone can make necessary images, videos, or texts within several minutes. This technology significantly speeds up the process.

AI NFTs & Metaverse

As stated above, AI NFTs bring us closer to Web 3.0. New experience comes from using AI, NFTs, and metaverse together. Even if we take a step back and look only at AI and the metaverse, it is evident that AI has many possible use cases in this environment. It can help with simple tasks, such as user support. At the same time, it can be beneficial for smart contracts. AI can automatize many functions, such as IT and some bug searches. 

The first generation of NFTs made it possible for an artist to turn their works into tokens and make them available and usable online. Art in the metaverse became an interesting topic. The new generation of NFTs continues to develop in this direction as well. AI art NFTs can be actively used, for example, as digital art pieces shown in metaverse galleries. Using AI helps in creating masterpieces is a powerful art trend in 2023. It is already widely used by many contemporary artists. But that is just the simplest example.

In general, AI will bring a new level of interactivity to the metaverse. It will rebuild our social lives, making people’s real selves deeper into their metaverse identities. Soon it will probably be possible to work not just with images but with a voice as well. And the first steps are being confidently made.

It is believed that by 2026, many people will use the metaverse daily. They will have social interactions there that are close in experience to the physical world.  


Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology that will change how we live, work, and play. At the moment, the rapid development of AI NFTs makes people face more questions. There are tense disputes about AI-generated heritage. It is unclear whether it is a new art form or an art side effect. Should we treat the authors as artists or assign a special status to them? 

Undoubtedly, there are a lot of problems that need to be solved in the future. But we are confident that with the help of artificial intelligence, people will find a possible solution. Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that has a wide variety of use cases. And the development of NFTs and AI will help people better understand each other and themselves.